What Do Pugs Like to Eat? Delicious Food to Keep Them Healthy

What Can Pugs Eat

Like most dogs, pugs love to eat. These precious pooches enjoy a variety of flavors.

They tend to have adventurous taste buds and enjoy trying out new foods. In other words, pugs ain’t picky. Though they’ll have their preferences they’re likely to gobble up whatever grub you give them.

Because of this, as a dog owner, it’s essential that you know what can Pugs eat.

Pugs will willingly eat foods that aren’t good for them. It’s up to you to provide healthy, non-toxic nutrition to keep your little friend healthy and well.

But don’t worry. We’re going to discuss the ins and outs of feeding your pug well.

Think of this as the best food for pugs 101. You’ll soon have the knowledge you need to feed your Pug like a prince.

So, let’s get started.

Is Your Pug On A Healthy Diet?

Keeping your pug well-nourished is as much about quantity as it is about quality. Pugs are a very small breed.

As a result, they are genetically susceptible to becoming overweight or even obese. This is not good for your pug’s health or happiness.

If you’re not sure what your pet should weigh– or how much you should be feeding them– check with your vet.

It’s also important to consult them about any potential allergies or before making significant changes to any pug diet.

There are many different ways to feed your pug well. But remember that your pooch is a carnivore.

It’s great to include veggies in your dog’s dinner, but don’t deny them the meat they need to maintain a healthy digestive system.

What Can Pugs Eat? Are You Feeding Them Properly?

Make sure you’re putting thought into your pug’s meals.

Since they’re prone to weight gain and sensitivity to some additives, it’s important to establish healthy eating patterns from the get-go. So, what can pugs eat?

Look for foods with:

  • Natural preservatives – natural, vitamin-based preservatives offer a healthy alternative to artificial additives
  • Natural flavorings – Avoid foods with added MSG wherever possible
  • Animal proteins – Avoid processed meats or animal byproducts. Stick to lean poultry (chicken and turkey), red meat (lamb or beef), and fish.
  • Gluten-free grains
  • Healthy supplements (glucosamine, chondroitin, omega 3/6, probiotics, antioxidants)

Not all dog food brands are made equal. Some even contain ingredients that could be harmful to your pug.

To avoid any nasty allergic reactions or serious health problems, be mindful of the food you buy.

Read the labels and avoid these ingredients:

  • Synthetic preservatives – avoid BHA, BHT, and TBHQ
  • Artificial coloring –  if a coloring has a number, it is probably artificial. Stay away from additives like blue #2, red #40, and yellow #5/6 altogether
  • Artificial flavoring – I´ve said it before so I´ll say it again. Stay away from MSG
  • Soy and soy products – soy, soy meal, and soybeans are a no-no
  • Corn – corn in all its forms should be avoided. That means no corn bran, gluten meal, or germ meal
  • High grain counts – oats, barley, and cereals have grain counts that are too high for pugs to digest. For a safe grain option, rice is usually tolerated well
  • Animal by-products – animal products that humans wouldn’t eat shouldn’t be fed to pugs either. Organs such as brains and lungs, or roadkill, are not safe options for your pet

What Do Pugs Like to Eat? A Pug’s Ideal Balanced Diet

A nutritious meal plan can be made in many ways. Whether you focus on fresh, cooked, raw, or store-bought food, it’s possible to keep your pooch healthy and happy.

There are advantages and disadvantages to each option, so let’s explore them one by one.

1. Fresh food 

Pugs love fresh food. That’s because fresh food tastes and smells amazing to them.

It keeps its flavors and aroma much longer than dry kibble.

And providing your pooch with fresh food need not be a hassle.

More and more people are opting for subscription services that deliver customized meal plans tailored to your particular pet’s dietary needs.

2. Store-bought 

If fresh food doesn’t suit your budget or lifestyle, there are some great store-bought options out there.

Because store-bought dog food ranges a lot in quality, it’s important to read the labels and be picky with what you buy.

As long as your pup doesn’t have allergies, picking a store-bought food designed for small breeds is a safe option.

Aim for something high in animal proteins and added nutrients.

Dry kibble is convenient, inexpensive, and keeps for up to 1 month after opening.

Dry food is a convenient pug diet, and its hard texture is beneficial for stimulating teeth and gums.

Be mindful that kibble could pose a problem for older dogs or pups with dental difficulties.

It’s also not the most appetizing so mix things up from time to time.

Wet food is a little more expensive and doesn’t keep as long, but dogs tend to love it.

It’s easier to chew and more hydrating due to the high-water content.

If this fits your budget, it’s a great option that your pug loves.

Offer a chew toy alongside to work your pug’s teeth and gums.

3. Homemade & raw 

Many would argue that homemade food is the best food for pugs.

It’s natural, tasty, and you know exactly what ingredients are going into it.

With so many recipes for homemade dog food available online, it’s definitely worth giving it a go.

Some pet owners are going one step further and opting for a completely raw-food diet for their dogs.

A raw diet benefits your pug’s coat, skin, teeth, energy, and digestion.

Knowing what and what not to feed your pet can feel overwhelming. So let’s whittle it down.

What do pugs eat and what foods should we include or avoid when making homemade meals for our dogs?

What to feed  What to avoid
Animal protein (chicken, lamb, beef, fish) Onions
Brown rice Fine bones (chicken, fish)
Broccoli Fruits with pits or stones
Green beans Grapes
Carrots Fat trimmings
Cauliflower Mushrooms
Cooked potatoes (not raw!) Macadamia Nuts

4. Treats 

Pug diet top tip. Pugs love treats. But remember they are prone to weight gain so ignore those pleading eyes and keep the goodies to a minimum.

Shop-bought chewy treats are great for dental health. But pugs will also love some human-friendly options.

You can’t go wrong with bananas, cheese, and cooked chicken.

Bonus tips

  • To get on top of your dog’s diet, try batch cooking each week. This way you won’t have to think about making your pup a gourmet meal every single day. It will also save you time and money.
  • Monitor what your pug is munching on. Pugs aren’t picky and will eat things that they shouldn’t- non-food items included!

What to Feed Pugs? The Do’s and Don’ts

It might sound like there are lots of rules when it comes to feeding your pug, but it will become intuitive to you in no time.

Don’t be afraid to offer your pet a nice variety of foods. Pugs can eat some human foods too.

Eggs, for example, are very healthy for your dog.

Some human foods are toxic, however, so do your research and always check with your vet if unsure.

Offer human food in moderation to avoid unnecessary weight gain and never share leftovers that are covered in salt or spices.

So let’s think about food groups. What are the best and worst veggies, fruits, treats, and bones for your pug?

1. Veggies 

Veggies are very healthy. Baby carrots are great for your canine’s dental care, whilst green beans and sweet potatoes are highly nutritious.

Dark green veggies like spinach and kale are vitamin and mineral-rich – perfect for keeping your pup healthy inside and out.

Do feed Don’t feed 
Peas Avocados
Carrots Mushrooms
Spinach Garlic
Zucchini Onions
Green beans Green tomatoes and raw potatoes
Bell peppers
Butternut squash
Broccoli (moderate feeding)
Pumpkin (moderate feeding)
Cooked potatoes

2. Fruits 

Fruits are a bit more troublesome. Your best option is to offer your pug some delicious berries. These are safe and very healthy.

Try to avoid fruits that contain seeds or pits. These are a choking hazard as they can splinter in your dog’s throat or stomach.

Do feed Don’t feed 
Blueberries Grapes
Raspberries Currants
Strawberries The pits of peaches
Huckleberries The pits of plums
Banana The pits of cherries
Honeydew melon
peaches (without pit)
plums (without pit)
nectarines (without pit)
fresh pineapple
apple (without core and seeds)

3. Bones

Pig ears are a safe and entertaining treat for your pug but avoid any small bones at all costs.

Chicken and fish bones are very small so pose a dangerous choking hazard to your dog.

Do feed Don’t feed
Rawhides Chicken bones
Real beef bone Other small bones (such as fish)
Pig ear

Did you know?

Did you know that Caffeine is extremely harmful to your pug?

Keep your pet away from Caffeine products at all costs. That means tea, coffee, chocolate, etc.

Additional Tips to Feed Your Pugs

Good nutrition is the mainstay of any pug diet. Quality, fresh, healthy food will improve your dog’s quality of life, health, and happiness.

But there are some additional things that you can do as an owner to give your pug’s health that extra boost.

1. Supplements 

Supplements can be very beneficial for your pet. There are many dog-friendly supplements on the market.

Consult your vet and choose a supplement to meet your pug’s health needs.

Not all pugs will need additional nutritional supplements.

If your pet is young (under 7 years) and in full health, with a top-notch diet, it is unlikely that supplements will be necessary.

If, however, your pug has suffered injuries, illness, or issues with skin, coat or digestion, then supplements could offer them a much-needed health boost.

Different supplements support different immune functions. So check with your vet and decide on a supplement to best support your pet.

Some common supplement types include:

  • Joint Health Supplements – this includes glucosamine, chondroitin, and optionally CoQ10 and/or MSM.
  • Omegas (fish oil) – this is a very popular choice. Omegas help with common issues associated with pugs, including conditions relating to allergies, dry/ poor skin, itching and coat health.
  • Probiotics – a supplement that supports overall gut health. Perfect for pooches with a range of digestive and stomach issues.
  • High Calorie Nutritional Supplements – a great choice for young pups having a hard time gaining weight, and for senior dogs that are struggling to maintain their weight due to decreased appetite.

2. Water 

Hydration is extremely important for your pug’s health. Ensure constant access to fresh, clean water.

3. Dietary changes

If you plan on making any changes to your pug’s diet, it’s always best to run it past your vet first. Introducing new foods must be done gradually to avoid an upset tummy.

Pamper Your Pug with High-Quality Dog Food

You love your little friend so it’s important to look after their health with proper nutrition.

I hope you’ve got a brief idea about what can Pugs eat in this guide.

Remember to keep treats to a minimum even if it means overcoming those puppy-dog eyes. A heavy Pug is an unhappy dog.

Whether store-bought or homemade, offering your pug a variety of safe, natural dog foods is essential for their health and happiness.