How To Help My Pug Get Rid Of Bad Breath?

Does your Pug’s breath pong?

If your Pug’s smelly bad breath is driving you up the wall then you’ve come to the right place.

You don’t have to put up with foul odors anymore.

In this article, we’ll be sharing some secret remedies that will freshen your Pug’s fumes in no time at all. From dietary hacks to home remedies, a solution is in sight.

Let’s get to it.

What Causes Bad Pug Breath?

There are many possible causes behind your Pug’s bad breath. Dogs are dogs at the end of the day. They like to rummage around and sniff through just about…well… anything. From garbage to mud, dirt, and (dare I say it) even poop.

Sometimes bad breath is just the natural result of your pooch’s nasty habits. However, this is not always the case.

Pugs are known for their dental issues, and bad breath is (unfortunately) just part of the territory.

Still, your Pug’s dental hygiene isn’t always to blame for their stinky breath. In fact, bad breath is a symptom of many different health conditions. Conditions such as:

1. Periodontal disease

When plaque and bacteria build up in your Pug’s mouth it causes bad breath. Plaque build-up is an extremely common cause of bad breath in dogs.

In severe cases, Plaque build-up can even cause inflammation and gum disease. Luckily, if caught early, plaque can be prevented with regular brushing and oral hygiene.

2. Diabetes

You might not think it, but bad breath is sometimes an indication of diabetes.

Diabetes is a serious condition if left untreated, so it’s important to visit your vet as soon as possible if you suspect your Pug might be suffering from this condition.

In such cases, some Pug owners report a fruity smell on their Pug’s breath.

3. Kidney disease

Bad breath could also indicate kidney disease. When a dog is suffering from this condition, its breath might smell of urine. Other signs and symptoms to look out for include:

  • Drinking more or less water
  • Urinating more (or less) frequently
  • Loss of interest in usual activities
  • Decreased appetite
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Blood in urine
  • Signs of dental disease

4. Liver disease

If your Pug’s bad breath is accompanied by vomiting, appetite changes, or are yellow appearance to the gums, this is a sign that something is wrong with the liver. It’s important to visit your vet. Liver disease can be serious.

5. You haven’t been brushing

If you’re not brushing your Pug’s teeth regularly you can expect some pongy breath as a result.

Chews and kibble do go some way to keeping your dog’s teeth clean but this alone is not enough.

Brushing your Pug’s teeth removes food debris, plaque, and bacteria prevents infection and combats bad breath.

You can brush your Pug’s teeth every day, but as a general rule aim to brush at least a few times a week.

6. Teething

Bad breath in puppies is often the result of teething. When your pup’s baby teeth make way for adult teeth, fluids like blood and saliva mix in their mouth.

Some Pug owners report a sour smell. But this is nothing to worry about and should resolve with time. You may wish to buy some teething chew toys to help your little one through the process.

7. Food stuck to the teeth

Does your Pug’s breath smell like stale, rancid food?

If so then that’s probably exactly what it is! Just like humans, dogs can get some seriously pongy breath after a meal.

Dry kibble is often to blame. And this smell just gets worse and worse over time when it starts to mix with saliva and line your Pug’s mouth.

Make sure your Pug has access to plenty of water to wash down their meals and (here we go again) brush, brush, brush their teeth as often as you can.

8. Coprophagia

Some dogs (Pugs included) have a tendency to eat poop. This nasty habit is also one of the smelliest.

If your Pug does this regularly you may need to start some retraining or visit an animal behaviorist.

There are several causes for coprophagia, ranging from vitamin and mineral deficiency to boredom or anxiety.

If your Pug is a poop eater, try to supervise their time outdoors, brush their teeth regularly, and combat the behavior head-on with training.

How To Keep Pugs Bad Breath at Bay

To keep your Pug smelling like roses, prevention and maintenance are better than cure.

Let’s take a look at some simple preventative measures you can take to improve your Pug’s breath now and in the future.

1. Brush those teeth

The number one most important thing you can do at home is to stick to a regular oral hygiene routine.

Daily brushing is best.

Your Pug may not like it, but it’s worth the tantrums and they will get used to it. Invest in a doggie toothbrush and paste from your local pet store and make brushing part of your everyday routine.

2. Chew toys for days

Chew toys aren’t just fun for your dog, they’re also great for their dental health. Chew toys (especially those designed for oral hygiene) are designed to take care of your Pug’s teeth.

They prevent the buildup of tartar and plaque that could lead to gum disease. Since Pugs are prone to dental issues, having a few dental chews around is ideal.

3. Improve their diet

Your Pug’s breath has a lot to do with their diet.

Ensuring that your Pug is well-fed and healthy will prevent them from rummaging around for scraps wherever they can find them. A well-fed dog is far less likely to start nibbling from the garbage or a pile of poop outside.

Another helpful tip is to encourage your Pug to drink water after each meal. This not only offers much-important hydration but will clean their teeth of excess food debris and prevent bacterial overgrowth as a result.

4. Prioritize checkups

Bad breath is sometimes a sign of more serious health conditions. As such, it’s so important to take your Pug for their annual health checkup at the vet (even if you think they’re fine).

Your vet will be able to conduct a thorough examination and rule out any sinister causes of bad breath like kidney disease or diabetes. Remember, prevention is better than cure.

5. Professional cleaning

If your Pug’s breath is truly pongy, you might want to invest in professional cleaning.

Professional cleaning is far more comprehensive than normal brushing at home. It will remove any lingering plaque, tartar, and leave your Pug’s teeth shiny and smooth.

If your Pug has periodontal disease, your vet will probably recommend professional cleaning.

6. Breath-fresheners

There are many breath freshening products available to buy from veterinary surgeries or pet shops.

They come in many different forms, from mouthwashes to sprays. And most contain an antibacterial ingredient called chlorhexidine.

These products can help keep bad breath at bay but remember they are no substitute for a good oral hygiene routine.

What To Do About Pug Bad Breath at Home

Alternatively, why not try a home remedy! Pug owners all over the land have their own secrets, lotions, and potions to get rid of stinky, foul breath. Here are some of our favorites.

  1. Add a few squeezes of fresh lemon to their water- lemon deodorizes and kills bacteria.
  2. Put toothpaste on their favorite chew toy- great for Pugs who hate the toothbrush.
  3. Add fresh parsley or dill to their food (did you know that fresh herbs freshen breath and prevent the buildup of bacteria?)
  4. Make a simple peppermint or ginger infusion (simply brew some fresh ginger or peppermint leaves in warm water – make sure it cools before giving it to Puggo). Mint and ginger promote healthy digestion.
  5. Feed your Pug carrots – a large carrot to chew will rub off plaque just like brushing.
  6. Use coconut oil as a natural toothpaste- coconut oil is antiviral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial. A winning combination.
  7. Add apple cider vinegar to their water – the malic and acetic acid kills bacteria and bad breath.
  8. Mix yogurt into their food – it’s healthy and combats that ‘rotten egg’ breath.
  9. Give your Pug a doggy probiotic – probiotics kill the bacteria responsible for bad breath.

For more tips and tricks, take a look at this helpful video.

No More Pug Bad breath

So there we have it. Pugs and bad breath are (unfortunately) a common match.

But do not fear.

You won’t have to live with your Pug’s oral fumes forever.

If you’ve been wondering how to help your Pug get rid of bad breath, try out some of these preventative measures and treatments.

Your nose will be happy again in no time.