Can Pugs Run Fast? How Fast Can A Pug Run?

Running. Some Pugs love it, others hate it.

Most of the time when someone asks me ‘how fast can a Pug run?’, I simply say, however fast they want to run.

Pugs can be a stubborn bunch and if they’re not in the mood for a sprint, you’re not going to see them running track.

Pugs Sitting Like Humans: Is Everything Fine?

Dogs love to sit in weird positions. There’s nothing more hilarious (yet slightly disconcerting) than seeing a Pug sitting like a human.

But why do Pugs seem to enjoy sitting like people and is it actually good for them?

Why Do Pugs Howl? Causes & How to Help?

Pugs may be small but that’s not going to stop them from howling out loud to their heart’s content.

Pugs may be far removed from their wolfy ancestors, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t going to show off their vocal prowess from time to time.

Why Do Pugs Look Sad? How to Tell Pugs’re Sad and What to Do

Pugs are happy and friendly, though Pugs look sad because of their appearance.

Oftentimes, your Pug isn’t sad – even if their facial features appear so – and this can be confusing and upsetting for owners. After all, we just want our friends to be happy.

Why Do Pugs Lick The Air? Is It Normal?

All dogs like to lick. But why do Pugs lick the air? Noticing this bizarre behavior for the first time can be confusing.

Should I be worried? The answer is simple. It depends.

But don’t fret. That’s what we’re here for.