Pug Eye Boogers: Why Do Pugs Have It and How To Deal With It

Noticing patches of gunk around your Pug’s eyes?

Eye discharge (or eye boogers) is a relatively common phenomenon amongst our Pugs.

If you’re worried about your Pug’s eye boogers then this is the article for you. We’ll be guiding you through everything you need to know about all that nasty gunk.

Pug Crying&Whining: Common Causes and How to Stop

Noticing your Pug whining or crying can be distressing. You’ll want to know what’s causing this outburst of emotion?

But it’s important not to project our human emotions onto our Pugs. Canine communication is very different, and our Pugs have their own reasons for whimpering and crying.

Today, we will discuss why your Pug is crying and what you can do to help them soothe.

Can I Give My Pug Benadryl? Is It Safe? What Dosage?

If your Pug is feeling poorly or suffering from allergies, you might be wondering:

“Can I give my pug benadryl?”

You may have heard dog owners talking about using Benadryl to treat their pets. But is it safe? Well, the short answer is, yes, in the right doses.

Read on for more details about when and how to treat your Pug with Benadryl, and how much Benadryl you can give your Pug safely.

Why Is My Pug Wheezing? Should I Worry & How To Help

If you’ve noticed your Pug wheezing more than usual or experiencing breathing difficulties, you’ll undoubtedly be worried about your little friend.

Whilst Pugs are known for having breathing problems, it’s important to know:

  • why is your Pug wheezing,
  • is it serious
  • what you can do to help them

Before we get started, let’s cover some of the key essentials.